Summary of my education journey

School Level Qualifications
Kong Hwa School Primary PSLE score: 244
Chung Cheng High School (Main) Secondary O'levels: 7 (raw), 3 (nett)
Victoria Junior College Tertiary A'levels: 90 rank points
National University of Singapore Tertiary Bachelors of Computing in Computer Science (Honours)

More details of my experiences in each school

Kong Hwa School, 2006-2011

In Kong Hwa School, they nurtured students' appreciation of Chinese culture from a young age. I was exposed to Chinese calligrpahy and painting, Chinese musical instruments as well as Chinese tea art. We were also given opportunities to learn beyond our syllabus with subjects like English literature through books like Charlotte's Web and Lord of the Flies.

Chung Cheng High School (Main), 2012-2015

Chung Cheng High School (CCHMS) gave me a very enriching experience. I was further exposed to Chinese culture as CCHMS was the centre of excellence for Chinese Culture in the East Zone. I learnt more Chinese calligraphy with bi-weekly lessons, as well as a subject called 'Appreciation of Chinese Culture' which consisted of bi-weekly lessons where we learnt about ancient Chinese folklore, Chinese tea art as well as some Chinese history. We were also exposed to the Malay Language as part of our curriculum. I was part of the Art Club in CCHMS because of my interests in it. There I was given many opportunities to try out different art forms like clay sculpture making, street art, watercolour etc. We were also encouraged to engage in physical activities like camps and were taught Wushu, a Chinese martial art form.

Victoria Junior College, 2016-2017

My short 2 years in Victoria Junior College (VJC) was incredibly hectic but fulfilling as well. I was part of VJC's Interact Club which is under Roteract Club Singapore. We participated in many activies and events that contributed back to the community through volunteerism or organising of events. I was given the opportunity to be part of the organising committee for 'Community Affair' in VJC which is an annual event to get the school community to give back to society. I also volunteered in many events like Walk for Rice by NTUC, a Clothes Drive for SANA, a Food drive for Foodbank Singapore, etc. I was extremely proud that I was also able to acheive academic excellence and became one of the top scorers to acheive 7 A'level distinctions.

National University of Singapore, 2018-present

Currently, I am studying in NUS, in the School of Computing. I have been given many opportunities to learn about technology through events like AngelHack, BrainHack and through the various modules we take. I am also part of Social Impact Catalyst NUS under a project called IlluminateSG where we hope to spark conversations on pressing social issues for youths through our events and campaigning. In IlluminateSG, I work as the Head of Content Creation for the Marketing team. During my time in NUS, I also interned at DSO during my summer in the first year to gain more working experience. With the skills I picked up through my Computer Science modules, it allowed to me further my self-learning in web and mobile app development during my year 2 summer through my own personal projects and online courses.