
"Try to see things differently - It's the only way to get a clearer perspective on the world and on your life"

IlluminateSG is a project under Social Impact Catalyst NUS which is a club that focuses on social entrepreneurship. Our aim as IlluminateSG is to spark meaningful conversations on pressing social issues amongst youths in Singapore. Currently, we have organised 5 of our flagship events called 'Common Space' where we bring together different people and guest experts to share on certain topics. The topics of the past 'Common Space' events were 'Education Inequality','Mental Health', 'Migrant Workers', 'Racism' and 'Socioeconomic Inequality'.

We were previously under a grant by the National Youth Council under the Young Change Makers program and have partnered with many distinguished guests and organisations for our events.

I am serving as the Marketing Head . I overlook specifically at the content we create for our social media sites, our website where we share blogs and our marketing material for our events like posters and banners. I also do designs for our Instagram posts. I am incredibley delighted to be working with amazing group mates, especially the marketing team that is filled with talented and diverse individuals. Our team is made up of youth from various academic, racial, religious backgrounds that have all come together for a good cause.

Connect with us and checkout more of our work here: