Nerdspace Web App

This is a project I did with 3 other team mates in the Software Design Patterns & Principles module CS3219 where we were tasked to either work on an existing project or create a new project by writing a proposal for it. Our team decided to create a new project web application called Nerdspace. It was a web app that aimed to allow students to find suitable study buddies of certain specified attributes like subject to study on, gender, age from the profiles other other students in the database. Upon finding a match, the student can send a connect request so that when the other student accepts it, they can start chatting through our message tab.

Students can also create study rooms and add their connections as members of the study room. Inside the study room, students can upload documents and posts to share resources and study tips. Whenever a study room is made, a group chat is also created for that study room with the study room members in it. Other students can view the study room names and if they are interested, send requests to join it. Only students within the study room can accept the requests or reject it. Whenever a new member is added to the study room, they are also automatically added to the associated group chat. Each student will also have a dashboard that allows them to write todo tasks in their todo lists and generates random motivational quotes.

This was built using the React framework with an Express backend which connects to the Google Firebase database which is a real time database. We also use a Google Auth system for users to login.

Check out the repository for it here: