Flask/Django Web Applications

These are projects that I started on when doing the course CS50 Web Programming with Python and Javascript by Harvard on EdX which focuses on the Flask and Django frameworks.

Simple Book Review


This is a book review web application that allows users to login and make book reviews and rate books that they have read or find information on books. The app makes use of some APIs like GoogleBooks, Goodreads, Open Library to retrieve book informations. It was made using the Flask micro-framework and uses PostgreSQL to store user information and data.

Check out the repository for it here:



This is a simple chat application similar to slack. Once a user creates a username, it allows users to join any chat rooms available or to create a new chat room. The chatroom would update in real time when new users join and load the previous 100 messages. It also saves the state of the web app such that when the browser is closed, the same page would be opened again. It is created using socketIO and using the Flask micro-framework.

Check out the repository for it here:

Restaurant Site


This is a website that allows customers to place personalised orders on food. It has an admin page for the restaurant owner to access and check orders and update orders as well. This website is made using the Django framework and it stores data on users, items in the menu and orders on sqlite.

Check out the repository for it here: