React Native Mobile Applications

These are projects that I started on when doing the course CS50 Mobile App Development with React Native by Harvard on EdX which focuses on mobile application development on React Native with the help of Expo.

Pomodoro Timer


This is a simple mobile application that helps with productivity using the Pomodoro technique which helps users to keep track of their work duration and rest duration.

Check out the repository for it here:

Movie Info App

This is a mobile application that checks for movie information, shows popular movies and give movie recommendations. This retrieves information from TMDB and OMDB API. This makes use of react-navigation for the various pages.

Check out the repository for it here:

SG Utilities Tracker

This is a mobile application that helps to keep track of utility usages for electricity, water and gas. Users can set daily reminders at a specific timing to record the utility meter readings in the app. The app helps to visualise the daily usages so users can see when there is an increase in their usage. It also helps users to organise their utility bills by allowing them to take photos of their bills and inputing its month and year so the app can organise it in order. It makes use of React Redux to persist information and the images are stored in the local storage using Expo's localSystem API. Push notifications are also generated using Expo's API.

Check out the repository for it here: