treasurerPro Desktop App


This is a project I did with 4 other team mates in the Software Engineering module CS2103T. We were tasked to create a command line interface application using Java and JavaFX that makes use of Travis CI. We were allowed to either morph an existing Addressbook application or extend it. We chose to morph it to be part of our application which helps to allow treasurers to key in data to store and keep track of reimbursements, inventory and member information. It also allows budgeting and planning of expenses with simple visualisations of data. To ensure the app worked as intended, we also ensured at least 80% code coverage for the testing and for better code readibility and reusability, we ensured we had a A grade code quality. The application does not use databases but can be easily extended to do so and is currently using json and text files to store the data.

Check out the repository for it here: